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6i $I <br />2. An informational letter describing the cityls needs will be sent to <br />all of the pre-qualified firms, and all firms "invited to a pre- <br />su,bm ittal conference'.1 <br />I di <br />30 All interested firms, will submit a letter of 'interest requesting to <br />be considered to provide required siervices. <br />C i ty staff shall develop a 1 ist of required techn I*ca! sery 'ices <br />Mi 41 <br />explaining all of the areas for which the city is interested i <br />obtaining consulting services, I <br />5. A pre-submittal conference shall be held at which time citv staff <br />will explain, the city's needs to all "Interested consultant"s and <br />Ii 0 <br />discuss with consultants all questions they may have pertaining <br />to the cityF s programs and pol ic lies . <br />61. A select 'ion comm. ittele will be esitabi ished. to rev iew f irmsF <br />00 a"* Il lit <br />qualifications., interview firms, and recommend a final group of <br />0 <br />firms to the city counc,11 for contract approval. <br />di <br />7,w Thie selection, committee will consist of at least three persons, two <br />of which wilill, ble from, the Public Works Department,, The committee <br />may have, up to flVemembers and should include a citizen member, an <br />agency member, and one other membler to be selected by the Public <br />Works Di,rectori,. <br />8i al All interested firms shall submit Statements of Qua! if icati ons <br />detailing their technical expertise. Statements of Qualifications <br />A 4 1 0 <br />sihal,l conzain the inf ormation as required by the Pub! ic Works <br />di <br />Department staf f including fee schedules and data describing the <br />f irm . <br />in <br />9. The selectimoln committee will evaluate all firms based upon <br />Statements of Qualifications submitted, select four to slex firms <br />for erviews," and select a final list of two to three firms to <br />riecommend to, the city council, <br />'The final selection will be made by, city council action at-lp <br />FL2.i 'To determine qualifications, the following factors shall be <br />6 <br />considered.: <br />V <br />Consultant's technical qualif icat ions, work experience and <br />avaliabile resources <br />bi 41 Rieferences from past and existing clients <br />prior <br />C* ity experience with the firm <br />1 101 <br />d, Any 41 potentlilal conflict of interest with other clients doing <br />business within the city <br />