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R1,,Q1QUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 2-12-90 <br />.00V <br />ITEM NO. : '`, 5 <br />Department Apipirolval,,,. Manager Reviewed. <br />Agenda Sect 'ion: <br />Report and <br />Recommendation <br />0 <br />Item Descr 1-pf ion: Mocations to Park Ordinance. <br />9 <br />At, the, last Counicil, me,etinig,, the modified park ordinance was <br />reiviewed. At that meetilng,, the C110ty Council asked the City attorney <br />to draft, an ordionanice to require a dedication equal to 4% of county <br />land value or, $41510101 per acre whichever is less. Attached is an <br />ordinance drafted by the city attorney's off 'ice for counciol <br />cons ideriation <br />COUNCIL ACT'ION REQUESTED: Mot ilo�n Itio approve/deny the attached <br />ordinance. <br />