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BACKGROUND 17 <br />c M 1 "t <br />0 , t 11 <br />l I T o <br />Eight of the nine states require annual licenses for, organizations to conduct <br />lawful, 1 111 <br />gambli"ng; New Hampshire, licenses, all , activities monthlY., Nebraska <br />also licenses a number of individuals involved, 'in lawful gambling including <br />gaming managers (primarily for bingo), sales agents (liaisons, between organi- <br />zations, and pull-tab sii,tes), pull -tab operators (primanfly liquor <br />I <br />establishments), commercial, lessors (primarily bingo sites ,and organizational <br />1 - <br />suplemsing members and members responsible for utilizing gambiline funds. <br />All nine states, require regular, reporting by organizations, conducting lawful <br />gambling. However', the reporting frequency ranges widely, from reports after <br />every binglo occasion in Massachusetts, to yearly reports, in hie. Three states, <br />includin I IIII <br />I M*nnesiota,, require organizations to report monthly. <br />Washington also requires a reporting of Isorts to the players. Pull-tab sellers <br />must maintain and display lan ongoing status, report on the number and <br />amounts ofwinning tickets that have been redeemed. This is commonly re- <br />6 <br />ferred to as "posting"' of winning tickets., Washington Gambling Commission <br />staff' reported to us, their opinion that posting winning tickets, has reduced <br />abuses caused by, the trading, of inside information. <br />On-Site Enforcement <br />Site visits are seen as a critical part, of all states' enforcement activities, but <br />only Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Washington report routine site <br />Site visits, to <br />41 <br />�visits for all organizations. Gambling operations in Massachusetts and New <br />gambling <br />Hampshire are evaluated on-site apprommately four times a year. In Massa- <br />organizations <br />chusetts,, state officials also conduct on-site Visits as a regular part of the <br />are important, <br />license application process,. The proposed bingo operation is evaluated, and <br />according to <br />the organizational, leadership is educated as to its rep ens ibilities. Staff in Mas- <br />siac�huset,t,s also report that state officials attend a new licensee"s first (and <br />state officials, <br />0 <br />occasionally second) bingo occasion to ensure that the games are running <br />well. <br />