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LAWFUL GANIBLING <br />State law and rules also contain a number of regulatory controls over the ac&- <br />itie,s of organizations conducting gambling. These, controls have been much <br />0 Mi <br />unproved by recent statutory and adrmnistrative rule changes. Unfortunately, <br />we found, that": <br />Gambli*ng organizations, COMPIR , ance with state rules is poor. <br />vi <br />We found numerous *Instances where organizations were, "ollating state rules <br />on deposits, separate bank accounts for, each gambling site, expenses, lawful <br />I <br />purpose expenditures, reporting to the membersh'p, and proper, approval of <br />ill its re- <br />expenditures. Local government officials performing compliance audi <br />port similar findings, as do auditors, from the Department of Revenue. <br />We also found, that the state licensing process provided, little asisu,rance that <br />gambling organizations complied with required rules. The Divisi i on of'Gam- <br />*I <br />bling Control, has not evaluated the internal controls of organizations or <br />Gi <br />reviewed, their tax forms before, lilicensure. Many of the internal control docu- <br />'i M <br />me,n,ts filled, With the board revealed serii,ous internal control shor,tcoimi I ngs- <br />10, <br />Local enforcement of' gambling laws is not, extensive. <br />We also found that the state has conducted very few orga,nizatioinal aud'te <br />it <br />Only 76, audi I ts have been conducted since the state took ovcr, responsibility <br />for gamblihg regulation. We also noted that none of the 30 organizations wit <br />the la,r ing revenues have bleen audited. <br />glest gambl' I <br />In the course of our review,, we found that there are many problems evident <br />on organizations" tax returns,. For example, during reviews of tax returns we <br />......................... ... ... <br />found, organizations, that were violating rent rules, were missing funds from <br />Both state <br />their bank accounts, were accounting for inventory incorrectly, were improp- <br />I *I <br />Icensing and <br />e,rly deducting taxies, and were violating expense and lawful purpose rules. <br />Currentlocal <br />'These problems were all apparent from, reviewing the tax returns, and should <br />V <br />have, bleen corrected before licensing. We conclude that. <br />government <br />enforlcement <br />0 <br />State Ikensling has been largely ineffective, as a means of ensurl'ing <br />efforts are <br />proper organl*zatilon clonducL <br />0 <br />insufficleent to <br />ensure <br />41 <br />We contacted over 70 cities With local gambling ordinances and found that <br />Compliance <br />only a few had regulatory programs designed, to ensure compliance with, gam- <br />ith state law. <br />wi <br />bling rules. We also, found that most local, gl overnments were not well <br />0 <br />informed about', the gambling laws and had little contact with the Gambling <br />Control Board. We conclude that: <br />10, <br />Local enforcement of' gambling laws is not, extensive. <br />We also found that the state has conducted very few orga,nizatioinal aud'te <br />it <br />Only 76, audi I ts have been conducted since the state took ovcr, responsibility <br />for gamblihg regulation. We also noted that none of the 30 organizations wit <br />the la,r ing revenues have bleen audited. <br />glest gambl' I <br />