'Oiosev 1 le C 10ty Council, M nutes,
<br />February 26,, 191910
<br />C-i2 Maschka, moved,, Johnson secon'ded,, that Ordinance 1072, ORDINANCE
<br />amending the City Code, of the, Coty of Roseville,, 1072
<br />requiring 'permits to establish or enlarge cemeteries
<br />or crematoriums, and establishing a permit fee, be
<br />I-
<br />adopted,. Roll, Call, Ayes: Thomas, Maschka,, Jonnson,
<br />Cushman,, and, Rog. Nayso. None*
<br />Maschka mioved,i Johnson seconded, that Ordinance 1073, ORDINANCE
<br />amending the, City, Code of the City of Roseville, to 1073
<br />allow cemeterles. in, single family residential zoning
<br />da'-stricts (R-I)i by, Special Use Permit,, be adopted..
<br />Roll Call," Ayes: Thomas,, Masc,h,ka, Johnson, Cushman,
<br />0
<br />and, Rog., Nays., None#
<br />Cushman moved, Johnson seconded, that staff prepare a CEMETERY
<br />1i
<br />reciommenda,ti,on, establishing boundaries of the three BOUNDARIES
<br />I
<br />existing cemeteries. Roll Call,, Ayes: Thomas, Maschka,
<br />jo,hnsion, Cushman, and Rog, Naysi. None,,
<br />D I R i AI
<br />D-1 Joh,n,son moved,, Cushman seconded, that staff contact VOLUNTEER
<br />Council to establish a date when all, are available to COMMISSION
<br />intervilew, candiLdaties for the Planning, Commission APPOINTMENTS
<br />vacancy. Roll Call,, Ayes: Thomas,, Maschka, Johnson,
<br />Cushman, and Rog,,. Nays: None.
<br />*-2 Cushman moved, Maschka seconded,, that the following RESIDENTIA(i
<br />membiers be appointed to the Roseville Residential WASTE MANAG4-
<br />i 9
<br />Was,tie Management Citizens Advisory Committee for the MENT CITIZENS
<br />for the, following terms, beginn'll'ing M�arch 1,, 1990-4rP ADVISORY
<br />