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I i K 0 411111111 <br />"M� ► <br />11 <br />Public official, Any person that has, been elected to <br />a <br />of fice, appointeld by the C ity Council 1, or appointed �P a city <br />board or, comission, or hired by the city tie serve/in a <br />ing authority 'n the <br />supervisery capiacity that has decision-mak' I <br />City of Roseville,. <br />Gi ' "'ted to, the following <br />This list, includes, but "is not limi, <br />I-People <br />Anything of Value Money, real or personal property,, a <br />per,mi icense, a, fa,voir', a service; forgiveness of a loan • <br />I <br />prlomise-of future employment,. It doies notmean reasonable <br />a <br />compensation or expenses paid to a public official by the <br />government of Roseville for work performed. <br />Compensation'- A payment of "anything of an <br />individual in, return, for that individual's services of any kind. <br />I <br />I Extended Famil - includes the 'Immediate family, plus all <br />chl*ldren,, minor and adult,, all stepchildren, tninor and adult, <br />I <br />Parents, stepparents, griia,ndr)arents,, brothers,, sisters, half <br />brothers and half sisters of the reporting individual and spouse. <br />GiLft -The payment, or receipt of "anything of value" unless <br />cons idieriation of greater or equal vialule 'is provided in return. <br />Cit Man, The Person that heads up the admi'nistrat "ion <br />eint of Roseville. <br />of the operating g,ov,ernm i <br />