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Please state your reasons for wantina to serve on this CommISSion (Please be as specific as possibic. Use <br />additional sheet ff nccessary.) <br />�because of my role as, <br />an EEO Officer for a, <br />ra nizat*on in Mpls, I <br />'large, nonprofit o a 1 <br />believe that I wolulld be bringing i practical <br />now led ge, and skilts <br />to the service of my <br />0 <br />Community. The significant growth and economic develolpmen�t <br />in Roseville in recent years <br />w77resu i in a greiacer <br />diversity OT resi,cents, <br />em�p oyers,, <br />consumers, tin I ia o rgdniZd-L1ons. <br />I want to insure, that <br />throug1i a,ll this oulr <br />community remains <br />a respectful and responsible <br />place-for al�l persons. <br />�sevi i i el naS DU1 iit <br />a triaaltion OT - <br />txce i ' j ence. i want to <br />assist, in mai[ntaining <br />that tradintion of ex,cell'e6c,e in Roseville's <br />Human Relations <br />Inv ironme nit "cool, <br />hy <br />'%%at L*s your, view of the role, of this Commission.? <br />Jhei task of monitori d enforciln,g Roseville's policies and the MN State Aftagainst. <br />Dig' scrim i natiI on are critical and will become s more complex as our city grows and changes. <br />I also believe that promoting edulcation and positive exp�eriernes of diversity will <br />be m�oist ef'fectiVe and efficient in the long rum in eliminating discrimination and <br />i n eq ua 1 ity <br />Other Comments: (Use this space to include any further information you would like the it Council to consider, <br />or that you feel, is relevant to the appointment, you are seeking,., You may also attach other materials you would <br />like the Council, to consider.) <br />York Experience (conti <br />1,971,-19791: Soicial 'Worker, Pillsbury Waite Nell gihborco d Services <br />$I <br />I undcrstand, this appointment may be discussed at a public meeting. <br />Signature <br />