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WHEREAS. it is imperative that the officials 'in the public <br />service not only' mainta:lin the highlest, possible standards of <br />ethical conduct in their transactions of public business, but that <br />0 <br />such standards bei clearly diefined, and, known to the public as well <br />P-S to the public officials,* <br />I <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEVILL--p- <br />9 6 4 <br />that the following be a Code of Ethics for the public service of <br />Rolseviolle.1 <br />Section 1. Declaration of Pol 0 <br />in W mi <br />Slection 2 Def in it ons of Terms Used im qP1115 erdi mamee <br />I I <br />Public, Of ficial, <br />Any person that, has, been elected to office,, appointed by the City <br />Council, eir appointed. toi a City board, or commission, or h3ured by the <br />City to-serve in, at supervisery eetp,etieity th&t has dee, <br />ettit,hert"lilty 'in thie e4ty ef Resevil+le,. as a department head or <br />assistant denartmenti head, <br />