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Donations 1 <br />onat ions Poll icy <br />L � oor* <br />9 <br />The Council, shall, review items to be included 'in the Gift Catalog <br />wit h partil"cular attention, to priorities of the City and potential <br />future costs resulting from the purchase (such as maintenance) . <br />The inclusion of operating "items, such as salaries and consumables <br />shall be avoided because donations are not a dependable source of <br />reve.7Lue V <br />The proposed donati'Lon of any, item, shall, be reviewed by the <br />Council, using the following procedure, <br />Author <br />Minnesota Statutes Annotated,,, Chaptier 465.03, Gifts to Muni*ca*.- <br />pall" ties,, <br />