Please state your reasons, for wanting, to s,erve on the Commis,s,ion/Board: : Human rights, are
<br />very important to me because I believe that it is our responsibility to protect the basic
<br />human rights, of these in our community. I would like to be more involved and make a
<br />difference in our city. I would be really excited to learn about how human rights, are
<br />addressed in Roseville, and how we can work to promote the humans, rights, of all of our
<br />residents,. I think it is important to represent the youth in the community and find ways, to
<br />engage youth in human rights,.
<br />What is your view of the role of this Commission/ Board?: I think that the Human Rights,
<br />Commission s,erves, to uphold the basic human rights, of all of our cities, residents, and is a
<br />platform for input on human rights, is,s,ues,.
<br />Any further information you would like the City Council to consider or that you feel is
<br />relevant to the appointment or reappointment you are seeking,:
<br />I understand that information provided in this application may be distributed by the City to
<br />the public including, but not limited to, being posted on the City of Roseville webs,ite. I
<br />agree to waive any and all claims, under the Minnesota Government Data Practices, Act, or any
<br />other applicable state and federal law, that in any way related to the dissemination to the
<br />public of information contained in this application that would be Classified as private under
<br />such laws,. I understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the City of
<br />Roseville if I have any questions, regarding the public or private nature of the information
<br />provided.: Yes,
<br />Occasionally City staff gets, requests, from the media or from the public for ways, to contact
<br />Commission members,. The Commission roster is periodicaly made available. Please indicate
<br />which information the City may release to someone who requests, it or that may be included on
<br />the Commission roster. Under MN Statute §1,2.601,. s,ubd. 3(b), either a telephone or electronic
<br />mail addres,s, (or both) where you can be reached must be made available to the public. Please
<br />indicate at least one phone number or one email addres,s, to be available to the public, and
<br />fill in the corresponding information in the below.: Preferred Email Addres,s,
<br />I
<br />Men i IV I
<br />Preferred Email Addres,s,:
<br />I have read and understand the statements, on this form, and I hereby swear or affirm that the
<br />statements, on this form are true. : Yes,
<br />Additional Information:
<br />Form submitted on: 1,1,/1,8/201,0 8:53:02 PM
<br />Submitted from IP Addres,s,:
<br />No referrer - Direct link
<br />Form Addres,s,: http://www.cityofros,,.as,px?FI 237
<br />N
<br />