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AR,T'I C L E I,II-t Section 6 <br />The s,y,s,tem shall include a separate <br />institut,ional cable communic''ation's <br />network WILIL ClLt2 <br />network, which will Permit 38 separate <br />tole sign ch,anxiels be sent +.-.o each <br />institution and 16 chawiels, to be returnied, <br />from each institutilon to, the head-mend <br />for radon,,, <br />EXplain, the s,tatus, of I-Niet connection of' each of the following <br />ins it,lu,t ion <br />s, <br />Sichools, <br />I*Se-D. 283-** <br />Wilshire <br />Perk Rlementary <br />36,00 N,.Ea, Highcrest Road <br />St. Anthony. <br />Anthony Middle, Schoo,l <br />3103, - 33rd,Avenue N.E.- <br />Antony <br />St,, Anthany Jr6,-Sir,*, High-school <br />310�3 -- 33rd Avenge NEE. <br />,6t. Anthony <br />D, <br />Diis'.trlict Service Clen,ter <br />9q'71C) 14,qmIlino Alirpm,11P. N. <br />Ros e' vi 11e <br />Bel Air, Elementary School <br />1800 N*W* 5,th, Street <br />New Brighton <br />Ch ijDpiewa -Middle School <br />5000 HodgSon Road <br />'Niorth Oaks <br />Community Resiource Center <br />5100 N. E. Edgewood Drive <br />Mounds V:'Lew <br />Highview Miiddle � hool <br />2,300, N*W. 7th Street <br />New 13 r i q h t lo n <br />