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A,RTLE.- Seci,t, ion 411 <br />Regarding undierground construction, <br />S ee p p,osal compli'ance, a,nalysisa <br />I" <br />ARTICLE VI Section 2, ioi A <br />Grantiee shall, receive avproval <br />from y of the form a,n,d content of <br />t,h,e siervic�e contriiact used by Grantee <br />mi i <br />prioir to le,ntering into any such se r l c e, <br />v* <br />clontracts with, subscribers, and the <br />Grantee shal,l make no cihaniges in the <br />a,pip,roved service contract without prior <br />written approval of < \..\ . Please provi'de <br />thie, current subscirl'her contract and <br />v if'y its approval by the Co=l'ssion. <br />ieril I <br />ARTICLE VIf �S e c t i, on, 3, A <br />ion <br />There shall be no, charge for disconnect' <br />of any installation or Outleta, In <br />ikaf f ect*? Explain. <br />