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NORTH SUBURBAN AREA <br />PROPOSAL COMPLIANCE ANALYSIt <br />.-Note A,n,y fallure to list a, prolposal requirement shall <br />in no, way excuse your existin'g obligation to comply. Thi's list <br />is loin,l,y a, summary, for the purpose of general compliance measurement <br />a,nid evaluation. The original propoisial and any related documents <br />sha,l,l remain the regulatory instruments of the member cities <br />and the, Commission. <br />Requ irements Co'MRliance <br />To construct, a dual, cable system, <br />with one activated blie provadinig <br />59 acti'l-rated, channels downstream <br />to subscribers and 4, activated <br />channelsi upstream,., plus a full <br />vild,eo i,nformat,ioln retrieval channel,* <br />and to participate 'in a review <br />of thie need to actl'vate the second <br />cable in, Years ri S , and 10 <br />o,f the f ranchise peiriods . <br />2. To provide subscribers with three <br />Pt P 0 <br />service tier, o ions, including <br />a-22-channel universal servicet <br />0 4 <br />a 59-channel basic services and, <br />a, 59-ch,annel .1"nteractive service. <br />31 To complete s,ysitem by November 12, <br />1984, making avai,l,ab,le# at that <br />time, -seirvace to all dwelling <br />uni,ts w,ithin the initial service <br />ar,ea, a,n,d clompl,eting the institutional <br />,net,wor,k as Proposed, <br />