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I <br />V tidi,os <br />4 4 Tio prCvide 12 Partable color St <br />These portable, �color stud1 os 1 'nclude <br />a .pc gyp' plus lighting and sound <br />equipment:. The equipment 'is des,igeed <br />for field use as well as providing., <br />a dolly and tripod for stationary <br />u a e (The f'ti'll description of <br />equipment, contained in, each color <br />poirta le stuidio is contal'ned in <br />Form K, Page 2G 2H of this proposal.) <br />,, To, provide six portable production <br />enhancement facilities for the <br />exiclusi,ve use of access users. <br />'The equipment will allow live <br />or talpled productions including <br />s�pecial effects,, dissolves and <br />split screen irnageso �(The full <br />descriptilon olf the equipment is <br />contained in Form, K, page 21 of <br />,b) <br />16 ik To dedicate for access use 12 <br />full video channels on the subscriber <br />System for the following access <br />IP blacssp <br />use type,s', two , pu I c cc <br />eiducational accessr government <br />access,, religious accesss senior-citizen-women s <br />speic,lal needs accesis, higher education <br />access, private, school access, <br />two school district ac1c1E:.bsso, library <br />and leased. access. <br />47. To dedicate VHF channel 6 as the <br />regional interconnect channel& <br />48. To employ .in Year 0.1. and thereafter <br />a staff olf thi'rteen, full-time <br /># <br />po'siti'ons to serve ia,s, staf f in <br />access, <br />49 TO pen d at least the, funds commi"-tted <br />for access supiP <br />,ort a,s follows: <br />'Year 1 $340,0100t Year 3 -$3991POOOr <br />Year 5 -$464,plBOO, Year 10 -$669,000, <br />plus $10,000 for promoting access <br />equa.pi�qent aVai, 1 a b 3'. 1 'It y itraining <br />workshops,, intern proqram, and <br />other aspects or" Community prqra=in1(g. <br />