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BY-,LAWS, <br />OF <br />NORTH SUBURBSACCESS CORPORATION <br />ARTICLE I <br />NAME <br />Section <br />1, Name 'The name <br />of the Corporat "ion <br />shall be <br />North Suburbisi <br />Aiccess Corporation, a, <br />non-prof it Minnesota <br />corpora- <br />0 1 <br />Section, 2 Abbreviati on,s. Whenever it is des irabl e- tit <br />abbreviate the name of the Corploration, the initials IINSACII shall <br />be cioinsidered in, eiver,y way the equ ivalent. of the legal name of <br />the, Corporation. <br />ARTICLE II <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose "of NSAC shall be as provided in Article II of <br />the Articles of Incorporation. <br />Post of f, <br />ice address of the new, registered office shall be filed <br />with, the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota. <br />Sectilon 2,, Other .0f f ices, NSAC may establish and male ta 'in <br />11 <br />suc other offices, within, the State of Minnesota, as the Board <br />