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r� <br />February 6,,, '�1990 <br />0 <br />TO,* Steve Sarko,zy <br />1101!!�!! q I IIIIIIIIIIII I 11� 11!11111��!Iiqii� <br />Policy Statement: <br />Procedures Statement: <br />11 <br />When mplementing the pathway snow removal program the Public Work <br />4i 0 <br />and the Park and Recreation Departments will apply the f ollowin <br />11 * <br />policiles piroicedures to the. snow removal operation. <br />1, Pathway plowinig will begin when the snow depth exceeds two <br />10 <br />inches Th, is, may result friom a, snolwf -all or redepos "it by Ramsey <br />County of snow cleared frora adjacent roadways* <br />a <br />2 i Pathway plowing w 1`11 not beg 'in, until" a snowstorm has subs 12ded <br />3a The, operator, wi-11, work only regular hours--7,,30 am. to 3:30 <br />P.M., Monday, through Friday-- on this project. No overtime will b <br />expended to pl,ow, pathways, during non,-wor,k hours. I <br />