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10 <br />41 <br />Teparit,ment,: Aft in. i'stratilloin <br />XI <br />Pol Icy go AcceP <br />, tance of Dondtioniss <br />The council shall accept donations by adopt wing a mot ion approved <br />9 0 <br />by twio-third,s majority. if' a donation is accepted by the Council <br />'Mill 6 the terms shall <br />that ciontai,ns terms or conditions by the- donor, <br />lei # <br />be "indicated in the, motions <br />nterest or appearance-of impropriety, <br />'To avoid any clonflict of 1 <br />aff is not permitt ed <br />the, solicitation olf donations by City st <br />except by the, distributidin of an annual City Gift Catalog. <br />The Gift Catalog shall be approved, by the City Council at the <br />same timie ati which it approves the Annual Budget. The Catalog <br />i d St 5 <br />shall be a i ing.of 'Items which are currently unbudgeted. <br />