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r. <br />IN CC RVO RATE 0 <br />CONSULTING PLANNERS <br />LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS <br />300 F�IRST AVENUE NORTH <br />SUITE, 210 <br />MINNEAPOLIS,, MN 515401 <br />6112-31391-33010 <br />ME-MORANDITM <br />DATE: 7 May 1990 <br />Too: Roseville Planning Commission, City Council <br />FROM John, and ow <br />RE: Special Permits for Outdoor Display <br />At the-, last Planning ComrnissL'ors meeting there were several appucations for <br />special permits for outdoor di'splay of met,:'..andise. When special pernai*ts are <br />4 <br />-ipp lecl, for "t has beomr. the pol,".*y to require applicants to dedt'cate, needrz.d riohts <br />1A I %.If 4 A ( Z7 <br />of Iva V. and gienerafly bring their sites i into complian-C-c.a., with the zOning <br />of I <br />I 9)rdina ace., <br />It was the consensus- of opinion of'thy: staff memblers and pilanning commis-si(Mers thll-j it <br />v <br />Ity count` .s intent to have special use permits for outdoor dil'splay triz(ger <br />xi-d-t; nut thie C" %,� <br />the same zonina compliance process. If the clouncit does want these sviecial permits to br. <br />ti-'eatied Just as, oiner srje'.'A,au purnits, ul-ic-a there is no need, to amend the ord1'nan1,.'*e. <br />the councH, w"shes to exempt these part particulltr specl'al per'jitS frl:,,n <br />en tbe other hianid', n <br />ION <br />fl-len, Nxe recoinniend ad-dinur language to t,*'e code to clarifv thc r,;cjl* <br />these requ-jrerrent.' UIC I L U, <br />on fl'iese permi'L.9 <br />