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ff V-2 I <br />DATE: 6 Ju�ne 1,99'0 <br />CASE NUMBER, 20�81 <br />APPLICANT: Advanced Design <br />L T 228'4 Old Highway 8 <br />OCA'IONO <br />ACTION REQUESTED: Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment,, Rezoning, <br />Preliminary and Final Plat <br />Approval <br />ff RKN9 <br />• s awn -T-WA <br />a <br />-- <br />I <br />This, is an application to plat this 3.6-iacre (1518,419 square feet) parcel <br />into seven, lots. Lot 7 will contain over an a,cre of land (57,580 square <br />feet) and currently has a onie-story frame h�ous�e and detached garage on <br />it, which will apparently remain. <br />The Subject Property <br />I <br />is located "m <br />the northeast quadrant <br />of Old <br />Hig ay 81 a <br />el, corner portion of this <br />site was <br />previously developed as <br />a gas station, <br />an d this portion of the <br />parcel Js <br />zon�elid B-3. The g�as <br />station burned <br />down several years ago. <br />' <br />There <br />have been numerous development schilemes <br />studied f'or this corner in <br />recent, years. Most, of' <br />these intended <br />to develop the land for <br />business <br />purposes, as the land <br />'is guided by <br />the, comprehensive plan, <br />Others <br />id,eried m�ulti,ple and <br />co nsi <br />med�i,um d�ein�sity <br />residential, alternatives. <br />The, Applicants,, Advanced Design, piriopolse to subdivide the property and" <br />I i I <br />th�en clustom design and locate h�ous,els, on each. of these lots,. They <br />specialize 'in providing housing for first time h�om�e b�uyers. <br />11 11111q��pim <br />The follolwin table illustrates a, summary of the lots to be created <br />through this development, <br />LOT NUMBER LOT AREA LOT 11TUDTM <br />1 11181,0 SF 72 FT <br />2 10,5160 SF 72 FT <br />3 8277'5 SF 72 FT <br />4 147,700 5F 140 FT <br />