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1P ZUQUEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION DATE: 6�25-99 <br />09:440 Z11, rAffilm <br />Department Approval,, Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section. <br />Group requ <br />Utem, Description W Dominion est for a spec al us,.- <br />permit at 2231 R,ice Streetil, <br />'it s <br />The, Rosievillie Planning Commission at June 6,, 1990 ineeting, <br />unanimously recommended approval of Dominion Group's request for a <br />special use permit at 2231 Ri,ce Street with the following <br />ots 0 <br />condi i,oin,s . <br />That, the proJect be developled according to the plans <br />presented to the Planning Clommission on June 6. 19900 <br />2 i <br />That staff approve the final landscape plan which should give <br />Ol 4 <br />special a,ttent iion to, sav ling valuable existincr oak trees on <br />the s ite and which should, be siubj ect to ne ighborhood reiview <br />3 That staff' approve f inal grading,, drainage, erosion control, <br />utility and 1 ighting, plans . <br />0 <br />4 al That color renderings and, full, exterior deta Oils be presented <br />to the City Council. <br />5o That the 6i applicant make a cash contribution to the City's <br />noin-im,otorized pathway fund for an appropriate amount to be <br />set by the, Council according to, City policys <br />61a That there, ble no access from the prolect to Marion Street. <br />I <br />e <br />Th Planning Clomm 11' sis, loin further recommended that the City Council <br />al <br />hold, a public hearing oin whether or not a s ildewalk should • <br />constructed, on the south side of Minnesota Street from Rice Street <br />to, the access to Materion Park. <br />COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED.* Motion to approve/deny Dominion Group' <br />request for a special use permit at 223 <br />Rice Street with the aforementione <br />conditions, 'if so desire.-d, I <br />I <br />F140tion to, set a public hearing for <br />Al 0 9 <br />'de,ra,t f constructing a sidewalk <br />consi ion o <br />a <br />,on Minnesota Street between Rice Street <br />and the, access to Materion Park. <br />