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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 6-25-90 <br />ITEM NO. <br />b4artmeint Approval: Manager Reviewed Agenda Section: <br />N T63 We V 13"11 M <br />1 0 <br />rtem Diescr iption:i Eugene Pr I*estley request f or a minor variance <br />a 345 Elmer,, <br />1i 0 <br />The Minor 'Variance Committee convened June 14, 1990 and unanimously <br />9 <br />recommended approval olf Eugene Priestley's request for a minor <br />0 <br />variance at 345 El1 er.1 <br />The Minor Varioance Committee felt that this is a reasonable request <br />I <br />b,e,ca,usle, the existing, driveway serves a tuck under garage with <br />A 0 <br />substantial retaining walls, The only alternative to bring the <br />5 in <br />driview,ay into clompliance, would be to relocate the whole dwellin�t <br />which is not reasIGA-114-a' ICI <br />.1wei, <br />1i It <br />All impacted neiahbors supported thevariance., <br />0 <br />Requirement: 310 fee <br />0 <br />Proposed., 14 fee <br />0 <br />Variance: 116 f ieie <br />Variance . 53i% <br />COUNCIL, ACTION REQUESTED: M 0 t 01 o n, t 0 approve/deny Eugene <br />I <br />Priestley" s request for a minor variance <br />at 345, Elmer.. <br />