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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY' OF ROSEVILLE <br />RMSEY COURTYp X,INNES,OTA <br />I <br />Pursuant to due call, and, notice thereof a regular meeting on the City <br />,Council of the C 'in ty of Roseville, Minnesota, was duly held min the C ity <br />Hiall on the twenty-f ifth day of junie, 119190 at 7:30 o-*clock pm. <br />T I a <br />rhei followl" n,g m,embieris were, present . <br />a <br />,and the f ol,l,ow ing were absent . <br />0 <br />introduced the, following resolution and moved its <br />Counc 11-1member, <br />aidopt Lion: <br />N <br />Whereas, pursuant, to advertisement for bids for the 'improvement, <br />according, to the plans and specifications thereof on file in the office <br />of the Manager of saijA Cityl, said bids werei received on June 19,, 1990,0 <br />,at 1,1,:010 o'clock am.,, opened and tabulated according to law and <br />the following bids were received complying with the advertisement.. <br />BIDDER AMOUNT <br />Ash,bla,ch Construction Company $603,712*811, <br />Midwest, Asphalt Corporation $6351012a45 <br />i ion of St. Pul M - <br />WHEREAS it appears, that A shbach Co n struct IN a . innesota <br />is the lowest responsible, biidder atthe tabulatpdprioce of $603,712.80,, <br />KOW, THEREFOREj BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Roseviille,, Minnesota: m <br />1,w The Mayor and Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter <br />A <br />into a contract with Ashbach Construct lion for $603,712.80 in the <br />name, of' the City of Roseville for the above improvements according <br />to the plans and, spelcificat lions, thereof heretofore approved by the <br />City Council and, on file in the officle of the City Manager. <br />6 <br />2* 'The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to return <br />forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids excep <br />the deposits, of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder <br />N <br />shall be retainied, until contracts have been signed. <br />The motion, was seconded by Councilmembler, and upon vote being <br />41 N <br />taken thereon., the following voted in favor thereof: <br />and the following voted against: <br />