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EXTRACT' OF R OF METING <br />OF' CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF ROSEVXLLE <br />Pursuant to, due call and not ice thereof. a regular meet ing on the City <br />Counicil, of' the City of Roseville, Minnesota, was duly held in the City <br />Hall II the twen,ty'-f'if'th day of June, 1990, at 74.,30 o"clock p.m, <br />following members !I <br />znd the following were abisent. <br />ber introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />dp <br />4-10144 _ • <br />The motilon was, selconded by Clouncilmember and upon vote bel'ng <br />taken th,ereon, the following voted 'in, favor thereof: <br />and g <br />