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RE�QU'EST' FOR COUNCIL ACTION' DATE: 7/09/90 <br />ITEM NO*: r- - <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />< Reports and Recommendations <br />Item Descriptionv Request for authiorization, to reroof City Hall in, <br />19904 <br />Recently, the, City has reroofed the Ic,e Arena, Fire Station No, 2. and <br />the old City Hall,. The 1990 Budget Includes $50,,000 for reroofing of <br />the Maintenance Gariage,. <br />It was proposed to reroof City, Hall, in, 191911 Unf ortunately d <br />11 1 0 uring the <br />past months,, with the increased prelcilpiltation, it has become increas. <br />*I <br />ingly clear, that the City Hall, should be done in 1990, <br />ffil <br />'The City, Hall, currently has, a trocal roof which is a plastic material, <br />Numerous problems have beilen experienced with the rooff particularly in <br />thei, past months, Many attempts have been, made to repair the roof, with- <br />out success, . <br />During recent months, neiw leaks have developed, with a severe leak on <br />to 0 1 1 <br />the, sou.thwestern, port ion of the building which is causing interi or wa-Li. <br />0 <br />damage,, One of the greatest concerns is that, at a time when the building <br />is unoccupiedi, a leak could develop and cause extensive damage to expen- <br />a <br />sive computer, equipment in various locations throughout City Hall, <br />The General Plant Fund within the budget- was developed to provide <br />9 11 <br />dollars for maintenance of the City buildings to include necessary <br />,11 Gi <br />repairs such as this reroofing job., <br />41 0 <br />it is, recommended that the Council authorize, the reroof ing of City Hall <br />for an, amount not to exceed $50,000, which would include retaining an <br />engi.neering, firm, to prepare specif icati'Lons for the roof. It is antic- <br />Xplated that a built-up roof will be spielcified, if authorized, reroof- <br />ing of City Hall would be idoineii along with reroofing of the Maintenance <br />Garage as one, liolb,, <br />COUNCIL, ACTION REQUESTED: <br />Motion, a,ut,hor,izi ing the C ity Manager to retain, an engineering f irm to <br />I If <br />prepare speicif icati"Lons, and to accept b "ids f or the reroof ing of City <br />Hall, 't,o be funded from, the General Plant Fund, at a cost not to exceed <br />$50 f 000 & <br />