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i1all, 1 11 t <br />ii <br />Allocation of Bond, Proceeds by FacUfty <br />0 <br />*Appraised <br />Allocation of Bond Proceeds <br />Facl� I 'It <br />I I x <br />. Val ue <br />of Total Appraised Val uel <br />Ange'lus Convalescent Center <br />$ 1 s 3614 2 91 10 <br />3.5 <br />Bloomington Nursing H' om�e <br />1537 51s106 <br />3.5 <br />Central Care, Center <br />I s 194 9 279 <br />3.1 <br />Chateau Real thcare Center <br />1,9,26 x23'5 <br />4.9- <br />Delanio Healthcare Center <br />1,3148x871 <br />3.o <br />Excelsior Nursl*Mg Home <br />I <br />, , 0 2 -962 <br />19 1 7 <br />2.6 <br />Hop ki'n�s Heal the Care Center <br />29191,3595 <br />5.6 <br />Innsbruck Heal rater <br />5.4 <br />e-l-a—It,hc,a,re Ce1n't--e--T1r---,–` <br />'t–Ma'iie <br />-71,44196C <br />0 <br />21 821354�"----- <br />- <br />L,indein Health Care Center <br />, �5 �2 4 1 0,8 7 <br />9*0 <br />Long Lake Nursing Home <br />1X47,33'8 <br />2.,2 <br />Lyn .nh1urst H�ealth Care Center <br />87931383 <br />2.3 <br />Lynwood, Health Carle Center <br />1,019,666 <br />2,6 <br />Metro Care Center <br />2 3 697 , 61614 <br />O�ss Veal th Care,, Center <br />1,71859887 <br />.6.9 <br />4*6 <br />St. Loul's, Park Plaza, Hea,l h Care, Center, <br />59844.4,94 <br />14.9 <br />Twin Rivers Car n <br />683, <br />,o321 <br />1.8 <br />Total Appira,ised V'al,u�e <br />$30-01347,931 <br />100 <br />T'h appraised values noted are the I'depreciated, replac�emen,t, cost values" determined <br />by the Minnesota Department of Human Sery i ces (DHS) for reimbursement purposes-, <br />The,, total appraised value determined by D�HS is approximately 45 million, <br />