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I <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 7/23/90 <br />ITEM NO, <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed 1: Agenda Section. <br />U111119ro mq� <br />Item Description: Resolution Approv ing Code of Ethics f or Roseville <br />Publi"ic Officials. <br />I <br />In 1989,, the City Counc '11, received a- proposed Ethics Ordinance from the <br />9i I <br />Citizens Counci 1 for Fa imr and Open Government,. The C ity Council referred <br />01 <br />the proposed Ordinance, to the City staff' for review. <br />ft 40 <br />sta(f f, after considerable discussion, regaraing the C nit 14zens Council <br />0 a <br />a conicluded that it would focus its, attention on Secti ons 1 <br />�iiroipoisl, , <br />through 6.i <br />The staf f comments were, prepared and, presented to the City Council <br />Later, the comments were reviewed with representatives from the <br />itilizens Council leading to a few ad,dlt"onal changes. <br />C r i I <br />,"'The staff review 'included a session witih Mr. Doug Wallace, Director of <br />the Center, for Ethicsf Responsibilities and Values at the College of <br />CatteriTei . <br />The, Council, discussed, the Ethics Code at several meetings; most recently <br />at the July 116 work session,, The C ity Council staf f and Adv isory <br />commission, members also Participated -in a training session on "Eth imcs <br />,and the Public 'Trust,"" presented <br />• Dr Vera Coombs Minnesota Depart- <br />ment, of. Employee Relations, and Larry Bakken', Hamline University <br />Professor and Golden Valley City Council Member. <br />The Counic i*1 has reviewed the pros and cons on whether the Code of <br />Ethics should be adlopited as, an ordinance or resolution. The Cl <br />Attorney, has recommended that the Code be adopted as a resolutioni <br />The, Council at 'its last work session, requested that the Code be <br />r?arepared as a resolution and placed on the, July 23 Council Agenda <br />consilderat 'loin, (attached) IS <br />•'III <br />41 0 <br />Motioin adlopiting resolution approving a Code of Ethics for Public <br />Officials in the Cloty, of Roseville,, <br />