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Gerialid K., R,icha,r,dl s, (Olive Gariden), Case No. 2071 Page 3 <br />Part i pq <br />Whein th�e Previous proposal was <br />• e submitted, the parking required was 144 <br />Spces a,nd the, site p�lan providd 130 for a deficiency of 14 spaces, <br />This time the Codie reiqui,res spaces and the s,e plain provides 127 <br />spaces,',., <br />A summary o�f the parking formula calculations a�rei as follows; <br />252 Seats divided by 211.5 per 704,.3 101 spaces <br />square feet combined bar', lounge and <br />public area <br />- 2510square feet 4,514.3 d�ividelid by 20 23 s2aces <br />Total, Required r— 24 spaces <br />1141 11 <br />There are a total, of eleven, 2,4-f'olot ta,ll light poles proposed for the <br />• I <br />Their, location is shown on the landscape Plan (Sheet L-1 in the <br />packet of reduced drawings).i <br />A, sing,l,ell, box-,type fixture, 'is proposed, for each pol,e. This style of <br />i'ixture is appropriate beicaullse the source of the light 'is shi6iii.,ded from <br />Vilew and the fixturies, can bei a,d)usted to cut off the area of <br />illumination where desired. <br />The "typical site light" detail is shown on Sheet C-1. The detail does <br />not identify the specific light tio be used and there is no discussion <br />about the relationship between the lighting on this site and adjacent <br />sites, , It may very weill be, that the Developer, Fine Associates, has <br />already required that these applicants use the same lighting program as <br />the rest of the bluisinesses within this area. <br />A, Pylon sign is shown at the wielstern edge of the site (see Sheet C-1). <br />Th,ts sign is set back 30 feet from the ROW on County Road C and 10 <br />feet, from the lot line of the adjacent, lot. The pylon sign 'is shown' to <br />i <br />be coinstruct,ed 25, feieilt high with 100 square, feet of sign a,riea. This <br />proposed sign complies, with the ordinance in all respects. <br />Additlional signage isil also Proposed above the main en�trance. T hi's <br />froint eleivation is shown on Sheet A-2. The area of these signs are <br />also well within the Code requirements, for the total building area for <br />this structure and busii,nesse <br />Scree <br />s building plans and e cur,reint plans, utilize a parapet <br />ELPth the previou i <br />wall, to screen, the riooft,op uti,lities. Sheet A-2, illustrates the building <br />elevations and sho�wis the extension of the parapeit walls for screening <br />puriplose,s. <br />