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MIMI^ -23-90 <br />REWEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION DAT E; 7 <br />ITEM NO, 461 <br />Deparlm,en,t A proval. Manager Reviewed, Agenda Section: <br />Hearing <br />Itein Descriottion.1 Dom inium Group request f or a special use <br />petmit at 2231 Rice Street, <br />01 1 1b <br />The, Clit,y Clouncl. at its June 25i, 1990 meeting, continued <br />M 01 in <br />consideration 1I matter until 3uly 23r 1990 to allow the <br />I <br />applicant to provi d,e, addi"Lltional information including traf f 11c <br />impacts of' the proposaig <br />The, devel,lopie,r has contacted C ity staff and ind icated that they hav <br />contaicted Benshoof and Associates to conduct a traf f i c study an <br />have alsio contacted the, Minnesota, Department of Transportat iOon <br />Represientat i*vesi f rom. Benshoof and Associates and the M innesot <br />a <br />Department of Transportation will be present at the july 23 199 <br />11 <br />meet i,n,g <br />The, Planning Commission, has previously recommended approval of the <br />otio a <br />request with the following condi lons; <br />10 That the project be developed according to plans presented t#- <br />the Planning Commission on June 61, 19900 <br />2*, That, sta,f f approve, the f inal landscape plan which should giv <br />4 <br />special attlent imion to saving valuable existincr oak trees o <br />the site and which should be subject to neighborhood review. <br />31 That staff' approve f inal grading, drainage, erosion control <br />utilitv and 1 i c rhti ng plans gi <br />0 .0 1 <br />