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T W3 0' 1' 1 1 <br />J*8- a <br />LEGAL DES CRIPTION <br />4 <br />The legal description of the premi,ses, which is the subject of this <br />Purchase Ag,reement i,s as fiollowis: <br />-a <br />Lot 2, Bl,o ck 1, and Gutlots A & B,, Werner Heights, <br />0 <br />in a,did, itiLon to a s-inigl e f ami ly home located at 15 <br />Minneisota Sitreet described ais Michel "s rearrangement o <br />Liotis 92161 Inc. Mackoibi,n & Inglehart Addition of out lot <br />to St. Paul subiji. easements and, EX W 740 ft. and Ex E 15 <br />ft., the N 200 ft. of Lot 3 also the w 46 5/10 ft. ■ <br />1,510 ft. of N 145 ft. of S lot 3. <br />