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0 1 [Ndl, 111Mi 1. 1uoW011Mwall <br />group, incorporated <br />3140 HARIBOR LANE MINNEAPOLISI MINNESOTA 55447 612 1/ 559-1711 <br />W W & a, III A, <br />W <br />0 9 <br />At the, June 6. 1990 Plann ing Commission meet ling several <br />rieis ludents expressed a concern over the volume of traf f ic on <br />Minnesota Street, . <br />For the benef "it of the C ity Council 1 have prepared the <br />following traffic impact summary, f or the Cal i1bre R idg e <br />a <br />apartment, proj eict,. Based on in,f ormatilon f rom the Institute of <br />Transportat on Eng, ineers seventy three un 'it apartment <br />building would generate 445 trips during a week day. (See <br />attached Trip Generation Rates) <br />0 a <br />For purposes of. discussion, let-s assume the trips <br />generated would use the Minnesota Street site entrance. This <br />'would, represent 178 additional cars on Minnesota- Street <br />throlugihout the entire day,, During a peak hour the project may <br />generate an, additional 20 cars, <br />*I <br />The, last tiraf f ic. count on M innesota Street at Rice was <br />conducted in 19,86., At that time the daily traffic count was <br />I <br />850 trips per, day. <br />In addition,, I have attached for yolur reference a schedule that <br />shows the trips generated by a shopping center, The traf f ic, <br />generated by a, commercial facility by far exceeds the trips <br />generated by, an, apartment buildionig, <br />