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Awlh <br />=uarol n Cufti <br />Full Name: Joan Dat- <br />Last Name. D <br />FIv,t Name.- Joan <br />Please check commission applying for.: H�uman Rights Commissioi <br />IS 1, <br />Ii other, please 11-114-it Ina-11jec: <br />This application is for.-: Student Term <br />Ifthis is a student application, please list your grade: 11 <br />How many, years have you lived in Rosievi'lle ?,: 1,1 <br />Work Experience (especially as it relates to, the Commission/Board for, which you a�rie a pplying): re,ception�isit', at a nail <br />shop named Hollywood Nails <br />Education-.: high school junior, graduating class 2013 <br />Civic and Vollu�nteer Activities (Past and Present):: through Student council�.- toys for, totsNWi family and'youth services, <br />feed my starving children, christmas for rosevil�le families in need. <br />outside sc�hool�.- Volunteer teach martial arts at a nmonprofit organizationAmerican can�cer socilety, tutor <br />Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Cornmi i ssion/Board-.: i believe that 1 w,olu�ld be a great addition to <br />the' city board., i have lots of great Ideas,am open min�ded, quick l�elarn�er, and I want to better contribute, to my <br />community.i woluld also appreciate having better Insight of how local government', worksi. <br />w hat 'is yo u r vi ew of the ro I e of't h Is Clo ri M Issio n/ Boa rd its a n excit i ng, o p p o rt u n Ity to I ea rin a s a stu d' nt a nd a is <br />citizen�;an hionoir to represent the youth in our community. <br />Any further information you would like the City Council to consider or, that you feel is relevant to the appointmeint or <br />0 <br />rea pi pol I ntm e n�t ylo u a rie, see ki ng. .- i'm a n h o n o rs stud e nit, a d ei b a te, ri, i've writte n a gra n�t fol r my schoo I la sit yea r a n�d' i MI <br />really passionate about change an�d l�aw. <br />I have read and uin�d�eirstan�d the statements on this form, and I hereby swear or affirm that the statements on this form <br />