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~ <br />On, September 20 and 21, 1989, approximately 250 cubic yards of soil were excavated dun"ng <br />the replacement of two (2i) underground, storage tanks (UST S) at the ABF Frel'ght Systems, <br />In,c., (A-BF) propierty', Ilocated at 27'50 Oevieland Avenue North, Roseville, M esota (Figure <br />). T volumes and contents m'duded one (1) 10l,000 gallon (hesel fuel tank- and one <br />(1) 10,000 gallon gasoline tank. <br />Ii <br />It has been, deterr =*,ed that land application m the form of thin spreading would be the <br />most effective treatment method for these solls. TWs report, details inforniation necessary <br />for the WCA to detern =*e the suitability, of the proposed site for land application of these <br />sol <br />2.1 Site Lolcation/Desm*ption <br />The site proposed for land application "is on, a, portion of' the ABF property, located at 27511 <br />Cleveland Avenue North, Roseville, Minnesota., A, detailed site map of the property EN <br />presented m" Figure I <br />H <br />Z 11-:11AMI NA"110 1 <br />