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opinion its". that the project will have only minimal impact on <br />traffic on, Rice Street, and Minnesota Street, See the reports from <br />ralenshoof and, A,sisiociates,i Inc. whi,ch, ',have been provided to the City <br />Counci 1 0 <br />1 'the Minnesota Supreme Court,, in Swanson <br />As r,ecently, as 1988,, <br />vim City of Blooming,�on 421 N.W.2d4l 3101 (Minn. 1988) reiter <br />ated the <br />basis, f or deltermin,3. nig, wihether a city council"s actions will be <br />41 <br />ur)h1eld by, tihei Courit uDon review The �standard of review is whether <br />16, 1 <br />thie c1'LAv council "s actions were reasonable. Is there a "reasonable <br />basis f or the dec ision" or is the dec on unreasonable, arbitrary <br />and caprici,ous.111 <br />Denial, of a, special use iDerrnit is arbitrary if 'it is <br />established bY the devellolpler that all standards specified by the <br />ordinancel as a condition of granting, the permit application have <br />been, met, Scott Count Lumber com <br />RAny, Ing. v, City-of Shak;q e <br />417 N-W,21d. 721 (Minn, App. 1988)qi <br />