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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION DATE: 9-10-90 <br />ITEM NO,: C-Z <br />$I <br />The Rosev ille, City Council has continued considerat ion of DoMinium, <br />Group's request for a special use permit at 2231 Rice Street until, <br />September 10, 1990 to allow the applicant to investigate the <br />possibility of rieducing the total number of dwelling units proposed <br />on, the s i4te a <br />The Plann ilong Commission has Previously recommended approval of the <br />request with the f ollowing condons: <br />a <br />The Planning $I Commilssion further recommended that the City Council <br />hold, a public. hearing on whether or not a sidewalk should be <br />constructed on Minnesota Street from Rice Street to the access to <br />Materion Piarki <br />A copy of thie previlous Request f or Council Act -ion is attached for <br />41 <br />your information as well as updated traffic information,, <br />C ity staf f has met with the applicant and it appears that a <br />compromise can be, worked out whereilbly the appl 16cant will agree to <br />mod ify, the proposal as follows: <br />