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Item Descripti"on. Volunteer CommiLssion Appreciation Banquet <br />Each, year the City, Council, sponsors an appreciation banquet f or <br />the members of the C 110ty,' s Volunteer Commiss ions and Committees <br />0.- <br />To enable staff to proceed witn the banquet planning, it is <br />necessary for the Council, to select a date for the banquet. <br />A <br />Available dates are as, follD c--s- <br />Wednesday, Octobeir 24 <br />Thursday,, Oictolber 25 <br />Thursday,,, Nove,mbler 1, <br />Wednesday Novembeir 171 <br />Thursday . November 8 <br />Moti"on estabii*shinig as, the date for the 1990 <br />VolunteerCommi"ssion Appreciation Banquet. <br />