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791I.E.QUEST FOR ROSEVILLE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT DATE 9-10-9, 1 <br />CORPORATION ACTION <br />0400;4� �14 <br />Department Appr,val,. Manager Reviewed* Agenda Section: <br />Roseville Local <br />0 Development Corp <br />a <br />lion*,i <br />Item Descrij.!:L` Authorization to enter into three agreement <br />relating to the Community Development Bloc <br />Grant for moderate priced single family homesi <br />If' the Local, Development Corp ora,t ilon will recall 'it had approved <br />the, submission olf a Communisty Development Block Grant,, to assist, <br />with the construction of six single family homes at Old Highway 8. <br />In, order to move forward with this prolect,, the City needs to <br />authorize entering into three agreiements. <br />X* 1 11 1 0 1 and the Roseville Local <br />'The Local Development Corporation must first purchase the <br />property from Argio Construction that would then be <br />transferred, to A,dvanced Design,. This agreement relates to <br />potential def'aults,, ex. i st i ng litigation, hazardous <br />substance , local ordinance violations, etc, (copy not <br />attached due to leilngth) 0 <br />3 o PieveloioMgnt Contract with Advanced Desi (copy attachedo <br />