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Attached is a memo from Bob Biersche id olutlining the need to make <br />this request to the, V'FW'.i Finance staff has reviewed the request <br />and finds it me,eits, the gambling category regarding the lessening <br />of' government I s burd,ensi,, Joint use of a parking lot has been <br />A, <br />established earl precedent. T.he C ity and B-Dale Club <br />have shared a, parking area for a nu,mbleir of years <br />■ lei <br />A ma,jor implication, 'Involves, having groups approach the City or <br />the City approach groups to requiest, the use gambling funds for <br />0 %1 <br />such f acJ-1 es Staf f -ts suggesting the following tests for <br />,evaluating suich, requests: <br />A. The use of the f alci lilty will not be restricted and may be <br />used by the general, public,, wi ithout charge. <br />BI 61 Tiherie are no unwritten "quid pro quo" or promises of <br />future benelflot to either the City, or, the donating group, <br />6 <br />CS The, Cluty incurs no future maintienance or reconstructioll <br />cost <br />