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1W. S teve 0 att M' <br />City of'Roseville <br />September 18,,1990 <br />Page 31 <br />We wish to note the bid fo�r the addition including the hifta-red heat, was, $6�04,400.00 and the <br />DA estimate for the same was $606,500-00- We are, pleased with the coinstruction costs <br />received. We shall, be at the, Council meeting to answer any questions that may arise mid are <br />loo tiing, forward to the construction phase, of this project., <br />-.00"i <br />Peter M. Brolzek, AIA <br />Project Architect <br />PIMB V-1 dh <br />4i <br />CCIII John, Davidson, TKDA <br />Wes, Hendrickson,, TKDA <br />