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41 S,t,iated that go is currentily unregulated" and local <br />government and, groups should not have any illusIons the State can <br />do very much, about that problem currently, <br />C a Mi <br />i t i,es should be well-prepared for gambling before it 'is <br />permitted or expanded. He used the lottery as and example of <br />excellent prepa,ration, by the State blefore "Turn3".ng on the light <br />11 <br />switch of' gambling".i <br />� 0 <br />*'-F *I-* T717 Ir <br />40 E,mpha,sizl ed several times that, gambling proceeds have done a <br />lot of good . <br />a Has a concern of social effects olf gambling. Says people <br />have lost holmes, family, cars and, health because of gambling and <br />we are, Just beginning to hear of those cases. Will be conductinij; <br />a conference with Humphrey Institute late this Fall to discuss <br />the "Whole Mosaic" of gambling, I <br />While feeill,s the State should indeed tax, would like to see a <br />review of giambling tax structure. Thinks current tax scale 3-s <br />very unfair to groups, particularly small organizations. <br />WM6 <br />I <br />State 'is making, the forms too c,ompl, icated. Should simplify <br />es cannot al,low some type of igambl* <br />ing and exclude others, <br />Some Cities would like to exclu,d,e bingo to avoid a' bingo hall <br />situation . <br />