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f"' W W "Ll VA <br />MW4 <br />new5papez- <br />anu <br />maxiLea, <br />nu aces proviaea <br />Lo azzec-Lea <br />properr..y <br />owners <br />Following <br />the <br />schedule <br />used during <br />the past <br />several <br />years, <br />staff <br />suggests <br />that <br />the <br />publ,11c hearings <br />be held, <br />January <br />28 and <br />29, <br />If the <br />council <br />c,oncurs, <br />with this recommendation, <br />the <br />feasibility <br />reports <br />will <br />be presented <br />at <br />the January 14 <br />council, <br />meeting <br />and <br />resolutions <br />considered, <br />scheduling <br />the hearings. <br />However, <br />in <br />anticipation <br />of this <br />schedule, <br />notices, <br />will have to <br />be <br />sent to <br />the <br />newspaper <br />prior <br />to Janua <br />14 iniorder <br />to <br />meet <br />the publication <br />deadline, <br />In summary', <br />it <br />is <br />recommended that <br />the council <br />set <br />the <br />hearings <br />for <br />Tanuary <br />28 and <br />29 <br />and authorize <br />the <br />staff <br />to <br />arrange <br />for. <br />proper <br />public <br />notice of these <br />dates consistent <br />with <br />state <br />statute. <br />Using <br />that <br />Procedure <br />the <br />following <br />schedule <br />would <br />be <br />used <br />January, <br />8 <br />Notice sent to <br />cit,y,"s, <br />legal <br />newspaper <br />for <br />publicatic <br />January <br />14 <br />Resolutions considered <br />approving <br />feasibility <br />reports <br />and scheduling <br />plubilic improvement <br />hearings <br />,January <br />1 <br />of l ,ce of hearing <br />published <br />in <br />legal <br />newspaper <br />January <br />18 <br />Mailed notice <br />of <br />hearing <br />sent <br />to <br />affected <br />property c <br />January <br />2 8 & <br />29 <br />Public hearings <br />held, <br />RECOMMENDED <br />COUNCIL <br />ACTION: <br />kpprova 1, <br />ol f a <br />motion-. <br />scheduling <br />public, <br />improvement <br />hearings <br />for the 19 <br />PaVement <br />Management <br />Program for <br />January <br />-28 <br />and <br />29,, <br />3.991, <br />and <br />authorizi <br />Staff to <br />provide, <br />proper published <br />,and, ma, iled <br />notices <br />for <br />hearings <br />pric <br />to fnirmal <br />- rim-npint <br />nf the fAasibilitv <br />4.-,&-nriiP--c:- <br />