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26i Joint Financing and Management of Hazardous Materials Response Vehicle, <br />'I <br />III <br />Management, of the viehiclei that is, selection of supplies and <br />t, <br />equ , ipment, exterior, veh,icle color and markings, configuration and type of <br />9,11 equipment m,ount,eild on and, within the HMNT,-anA—all-other-day-tomftmid" <br />11111 <br />i Furnishing of Vehicled, New Bn"gh,ton shall flurlm*sh a 1972 GMC 14 foot step <br />4* Furmolshing <br />of' Seec,ialized E�Lui <br />ent. <br />The Parties' representatives will <br />confer and <br />agree upoin the <br />specifici <br />type and quantities of specialized <br />'hazardous materlials equipments supplies personnel protective gear, and <br />16 <br />2 <br />