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acceptable to all, parties governing proper use of equipmentv storage of <br />equipment in the vehiclegi and nelicessiary equipment maintenance. <br />12,w Non-Exiclusive HMRV Use. It is understood that, ellach party ts obliged to <br />vice <br />riespond to fire slerivice, emergencies outside itsli o wn corporate ser m <br />131121 1 wL:)er'vision of' HMRV at an g en The parity requesting the HMR <br />shaU be responsible f or its use. Personnel responding with the vehicle w] <br />report with, the veihicl,e to the requesiting partly's designated officer and <br />subject to that officer's directions. In the event use of the HMRT at an <br />simergency is expected to last more than one hour,, the requesting party shall <br />supply 'its own personnel as substituties for the driver and attendants on the <br />HMRV, and transport those, initial responders back to thelr own station-- <br />14& Terminiation of-- ement. Any parity may terminate its participatio <br />undier thiiis agreement by giving 30, days, wMtten notice of intent ti <br />101 <br />t6riminate, directed 'to, <br />g the attention of the remBdning parties' respective fire <br />clh'efs'. The terminatin party agrees to pay all costs and expenses allocated <br />J to it under this agreement up to the eflfectivie date of termination, The <br />terminating parity has no, right to reimbursement for 'its -share of costs undei; <br />this agreellm,ent and walives all, rights to, property acquired for the HMRV1 <br />al tol, C "I <br />150 Capi, ity Mutual Aid AEeementiiii, EkIcept as, expressly modifieed herein, <br />I <br />the relationships and obligations of the parties sihaR be subject to the <br />