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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION DATE: 12/10/90 --' <br />ITS NO, <br />Department Apiprolvial: <br />a <br />Manager Rev inewed . Agenda Sect ionE <br />V-tiem Description., Joint Powers Agreement with the Northwest Suburban <br />W <br />Youth Service Bureau. <br />In 1977, the CI*tiy, of Roseville joined with Arden Hills,, New Brighton, <br />a 9 IN <br />Mounds, Vlew, IS I horeview North Oaks, Little, Canada, Lauderdale,, and <br />0 <br />Falcon Heights in, a Joint Powers Agreement to act as sponsors of the <br />Northwest Suburban Youth Service Bureia,u,. The Service Bureau has been <br />sup�portie,d by and, prov ided sery 'Ice to the communities for over thirteen <br />years, . <br />Attached is a letter from Kay Andrews,i Executive Director, requesting <br />approval, of an addendum, to, the joint, Powers Agreement containing the <br />followl' two 6haingles: <br />1 The auld 'it i"ng function for the Service Bureau 10 s. no longer prov ided <br />by the City of' Roseville; therefore *lit is removed from the agree <br />zent,. <br />21.1 The original agreement le,xpired on December 31, 1978, unless I <br />a at 6 <br />extended bly the part 110ciepating cities,& Extensions of the Agreemen <br />0 <br />requireld each city to adopt a resolution annually,, Thils has not <br />ifa 0 <br />beilen, doinei by, the various cities, <br />The addendum, prov, ides that the Agreement shall continue i n ef f ect <br />I an indief inite tierm, unless any ci ty gives sixty days written <br />noti*cie to all of the other ces intent to cancel the <br />Agreement, effective December 31 of the year in which the notice <br />i s ig iven . <br />The addendum will update the Joint Powers Agreement, and Olt is <br />recommended it be approved. <br />,.T,Q WOTNIF:5 gN-M *4 W4 <br />Motion authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign the addendum to <br />the J I oint Plow,e,rs Agreement, with the Northwest Suburban Youth Service <br />Bureau., <br />