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July 1,7, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br />requirements, also do not allow Parkingi on the roadway itself at any time. <br />0i <br />He,n�ce,, t,h�e requirement for the extra 10 foot parking lane. <br />Ramsey C�ounty policy is such that they will Pick upi 215% of this improvement. <br />The remaini'ng 75% or $13,277 as estimated woul�d be, as,sessed directly to the <br />benefited, propertieso In this case, th�el, total cost would be borne by the <br />Pari sh . <br />The July 10,, 1989, public imp�riovement heari , ng wia,s c,ontiinued until J�uly 24, <br />19�89 by the Roseville City Councill so no final action, on these items has <br />occur,red to dat". , <br />We f'elt it important to ou,tline these issues so that the Parish could react <br />to it at or prior to the continued public hearing. In summary., the Parish <br />e, <br />must, cons ider <br />1) Do they want the par-king lane and pay the casts associated with <br />its cons tructi on-, <br />2) Are they in favor of the Pathway (costs associated with it are <br />picked up, through otheir City fund,s and are not directily a,ssiesse., <br />I <br />to benefited p�rop�ertiies)�, <br />We hope this outlines the issues faci'ng the Parish in conjunction with this <br />p roi e,ci t,, If you h�a,ve any questions, please do not hesitate, to, call me at <br />774-6021 oir Sit,eve Gatlin, Director of Public Works in Roseville Qt 490-221206 <br />0 - <br />Yours truly, <br />MAIER STEWART' & ASSOCIATES., INC. <br />k 7S <br />Thomas J. Madigan, P.E,,i <br />Project Engineer <br />TJM/ms <br />C c Paul Klo,rkwold, Asst. County En�gin�eer Ram,seliy County (letter onlyl <br />'I <br />Waynei Leonard,, Coordinating Engineer Ramisey County (leitter only" <br />Steve Gatlin, Director of Public Works Roselivi�ll,e (letter oin�ly) <br />