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�W*414 <br />A <br />A i LN fid"L I <br />Pursuant to due call and not 'Ice thereof a regular meeting of the City <br />Council of the C ity of Roseville,, County of Ramsey, Minnesota was duly <br />held on the 24th day of July, 1989, at 7:30 peme <br />di <br />The following members were present: <br />and the following were absent. <br />0 <br />Member, introduced the following resolution and moved 'Its <br />adopti.,on, <br />NP.0,Mollkl 0 <br />WHEREAS , the City Coun,c il, appointed Steve North as Acting City Manager <br />on September 26,, ',1988; and, <br />WHERE,AS,i Resolution No. 83�66 provided that the Acting Manager"s compen- <br />a <br />sation, would be determined-, and <br />F <br />I <br />WHEREAS, Steve North served, as Acting City Manager through june 18, <br />1989" <br />r <br />NOW',, THEREFORE,, BiE IT RESOLVED, that the premium salary for the Acting <br />City Manager for the, period September through June 18,, 1989 <br />shall be $11,4,000. This amount is determined by the difference between <br />41 <br />the Acting, Manager and the City Manager's salary for approximately <br />9 <br />ninie months <br />The <br />mud for the adloption of the f oregloing resolution was dulv <br />seconded by Member # and upon a vote being taken <br />thereon,, the foll,lowingi voted in favor, thereof <br />and the following voted against the same. <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declarediduly passed and adopted. <br />STATEII OF' MINNESOTA) <br />Sim <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY' <br />I a <br />the under's igned, being the duly qual 'if d C ilty Manager of the City <br />a % 0 <br />of Rose,vi,.L le, County of Ramsey,, State of' Minnesota, do hereby certify <br />that I have carefully, colmpared the attached and foregoing extract of <br />minutes of a, regular meeting of said City Council held on the 24th day <br />9 1 <br />Of July, 191819, with the, original thereof on file in my office. <br />WITNEI SS MY HAND offi,cially as such Manager this day of <br />19819 9 <br />SEAL Steven R. Sarkozy, City Manager <br />