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To: City Council and Steven Sarkozyl, City Manager <br />From: Steven Di., Gatlin, Public Works, Director <br />a <br />Re Prioplosed County Road B improvements, Dale Street to a <br />a <br />point ',1,20�O feet east of Ricle Street <br />Datel: July 191, 19189 <br />For the past several months the city council has been discuss in' <br />the proposed, County Road B improvement project. Several <br />neilghborhoodmieetings were held with affected residents to <br />present the proposal to them., Alsio, the city council has held <br />01 <br />one meeting to consider the feasibility report,. <br />At all the past meetings, many quest ions and comments were made <br />regarding roadway wil idth, state aid standards traf f ic volumes <br />I I <br />etc, In an attlempit to, clarify this rather confusing situation, i <br />believe there are sieveral key issues that are most 'important for <br />the, city council to consider as it reviews this project. These <br />41 & <br />include the following: <br />0 <br />Each of the proposed, alternates should, be reviewed and examined <br />1i <br />in light of these "items, Attached is a summary table which <br />analyzes each of the roadway wildthsi considered, To explain the <br />table in, greaterdetail, we would describe each of the 'items <br />further as, follows: <br />ig Adecruate Darkinqi State aid standards govern parking <br />requirements on roadways of various widthso The table <br />summarizes, the statei aid parking restrictions on various <br />altiernate, roadway wililths. <br />