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Iursuant to due call and notice thereof,,, a regular meet leng of the C ity <br />'I <br />Council of the City of Rosevillolle,, County of Ramsey,, Minnesota, was duly <br />held, on, Monday,, the 24,th day of July',. 1,9819, at 7:30 o'clock p,,m. <br />0 <br />The flollowing members, were present. <br />and the following were absent IN <br />1i <br />Member Introduced the flollowing, resolution and moved its <br />adopti 'loin: <br />RESOLUTION THAT 'THE CITY OF ROSEVILAIE. ENTER INTO <br />AGREEMENT N00i 166210 WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />BE IT RESOLVED 'that the, City of Roseville enter into Agreement No., 66210 <br />with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for the <br />f o,llowing purposes, <br />To provide for payment by the State, to the C]Lty, of the State's <br />sharile of' the cosit of reconstruction and siognal installation at the <br />$1 0 <br />intersection of Lydia. Avenue and, Snellimnig Avenue in accordance witl,%(, <br />plans deSignatield by the City as 19�89 improvements, Contract A. and <br />by the State as State Project Noi.621,6-107 (T.H. 51 at Lydia Avenue) <br />and State Aid, Pro3ect No., 160-226-04. <br />ffm�E !T FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers are hereby <br />zuthorl"zied and directed to execute such, agreement,. <br />al <br />The motion. for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded, by Councilmember and upon vote being taken thereon, the <br />following voted in favor thereof. <br />and, the followling, voltied against the same. <br />Whereupon said resiolution, was declared, duly passed and adopted, <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />IS S <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />a <br />I, the undersigned,, being the duly qualified City Manager of the <br />City of Roseville,, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, do hereby <br />certify that I have carefully compared the, attached and foregoing <br />extract of minutes, of a, regular meeting of' said City Council held on <br />the 24th day, of' July,, 19,89, with the original thereof on f ile in my <br />of f 'ice i <br />WITNESS MY HAND of f'loc inally as such Manager this day o f <br />19890 <br />S E A L <br />Steve Sarkozy, City Manager <br />