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M A U A U E: U4 C4 0 t-4 <br />4 dr, iii <br />It away <br />1% <br />tit <br />it <br />oil <br />MINNEA"OemA, POLLU'TIOAL %ji AGE <br />CONTRAw'M NCY <br />M0, 3 <br />1935 Wl, Courtly Pwad 132t Rio:�a%eifllall i l 1 <br />nniesof(I 5514 <br />el v <br />ta.dl M A6 <br />0 FA <br />■ <br />YY <br />Pollution CoArol Ageney <br />GenerialL, Conditions for Liquid Storav sites <br />Jwva 21. 197'3 <br />nnh <br />�Cv$NF,�KM OWDIT1011S, <br />Imi <br />This permit shall, not re�.lease the per imittee from any liability* or oblim <br />gs#,on, imposed by 93imesata -or federal statutes car -local ordinanat and <br />Shall remaln in force subje4:t to eL,31 Conditions and limitatio= now Qr <br />hereafter imposed by, lAws This permit sha rmissive only and zhall <br />not, be con-strued as estopping or limiting any nit the perndtilim <br />tOo for, da,mage or injury tol perizons or priope or any waters of thle <br />ti# 8"CitO it�iolulting from any f actzj operations, or' Omissio= of the peradttee, <br />VS agents,, contractors or, a,ssignst not as C8tQPP:Lr19 or limiting any <br />,,al claim ot the atate againsto the 1)eru&tteie, its aligents, cQntractons <br />0z' .131siga3 for damage to State pro pertyl or for ll9 er= <br />=Y ViOlation of. the t,o, <br />or conditions of this perimite Al A <br />10 <br />II <br />■6 <br />110, asslii�;=ent" of this per�mi,t, shall i effeetive vatll It is exe cute d In <br />$&itirlg and imignod"by the plaiti,es thereto and the reaf ter ap proved by the <br />'No, major alterations 0or, additiori* to the stlor'aV si,tio shall be mado with.. <br />out the written, clonsonti Of the AgevLcy* ■ <br />■ <br />41 <br />Tfie use Of' thO S:LtO Shall it 31n&ted to th<) sitiorage'of tho materia3.3 or <br />aubstances desoribed, in the plans an d/Qr POrmitl aPPncati0n and aazociate <br />te I filed with the Agency* <br />4 <br />Agency, may modifyf suspend, or revoke in whole ar in part thi3 pera&t <br />Af+Ar giving notice and, providing an, opportunity for a pubiio hearing or <br />by tAking, direct or action, for �cauzet including faillurello, (a) to <br />tdmPlyvith, the, terms ataUd herein, or (b) to cIomply with A&8ncyawater <br />9Vk*Utyl reguLlations or standards , s,e�ntly iq 4o,rce, <br />PrIe Nothing herein shall <br />prohibit, the Agoney from exerasi-i its emargency powors, <br />Ik <br />ThO Perzaittee acknowledos that nothing con ta,i,neId, Tmerein zhall pzftevent <br />I <br />the future adaption, by thie Agency or its pre&cessmol"Irs any pollution <br />cOntrol regulationz, zi ,, tandiii r <br />ards- orders or stiatuties more atrinVnt than <br />those now, in existence, or pire vend , the enforcement and applicatiozI of <br />Zueh r6VUtions, standards, orders or,,, statutes to the permittee, <br />IN <br />4111 <br />WI <br />d <br />AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY'CR <br />