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W'N'TO a 0 � bi 9 1 � 11 21 !-It ir�211& I <br />Allows olf f street parking, loadi ng,, and veh I*cle display as <br />I a <br />permitted "in the various zoning districts. <br />Allow temporary displays up to 8 days per year 'in B-2, Biiiiiiiiiiiiiii,3jj <br />I <br />B-4, and S,C districtis. <br />Mi Allows other displays and storaige by special use perm 'it in <br />the Bi-2 ji B-31 B-4i and SC d istricts,. When cons idering any <br />such special use permit request,, the Planning Commission and <br />City Council s,hall clonsider the followi*ng crite <br />ria. to <br />determine impact of the proplosal; <br />The amount of outside' sales area compared to the amount <br />of inside sales space. <br />2, Location of the, outside sales area and the extent 'it <br />eincroialches on, required sletbacks. <br />a III <br />31,w Impact on tra,f f ic and, pedestrian circulation on the <br />vi <br />site <br />4* Impact on parking on the site. <br />51 The height of merchandise displays. <br />61,w Thehours,which merchandise is displayed. <br />7. The type of merchandise to be displayed. <br />