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EXTRACT' OF MINUTES OV XEETING <br />OF CITY COUNCIL <br />OF' CITY' OF ROSEVILLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant, to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City <br />it was held 'in the C ity Hall <br />Councill of the City of Roseville, Minnesota,, <br />I <br />in said City on Monday, July 19819,, at 7:30 olclock p.m. and the <br />A 01 <br />conzinued hearing was, held, on, Monday, July 24, 1989., at 7:30 otclock <br />Fri a mi a <br />The follow ing, members were present: Mayor and Counc 101memberl <br />and, the following were absiento <br />WHEREAS , a riesolut ion, of the the city, clouncil adopted the twenty-sixth <br />day of June,, 1989, f ixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed <br />a <br />improvement of Hamlinie Avenue from Larpenteur Avenue to County Road B by <br />6 1* <br />street reconstruction and installation of' pathway; <br />AND WHEREASI, tien days,' mailed notice, and two weeks' published notice of <br />the hearing was g ivien, and, the hearing was held thereon on July 10 1 <br />1989, and the, coin,t,inueild hearing was held on Uuly 24, 1989, at which all <br />persons idesiorling to be heard were given an, opportunity to be heard <br />thereon , <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ROSEVILLEI <br />ei <br />MINNESOTA* <br />Such improvement "is here,bly ordered wi proposed in the counc i I <br />resolution adopted, the tweinty-flourth of July, 1989. <br />ft. <br />Mal,ier,, Stewart, and Associates of' Sti, Plaul are hereby designated as <br />A 9 a <br />the engineer for 't,h3.,s improvement. They shall prepare plans and <br />lf <br />speci icatiulonsi for the making of' such improvement. <br />